Gun Safety Society

Devoted to Gun Safety Awareness

Study shows most children disregard gun safety rules despite memorizing them

Note: This article is not promoting Diane Sawyer’s entire episode 20/20 Young Guns, released January 31, 2014, but is focusing on a study featured in the episode.

A study was featured in Diane Sawyer’s 20/20 Young Guns episode that showcased footage showing most children do not follow gun safety rules even after they have been taught the rules. View study here.

The study featured children whose parents had taught them gun safety. Additionally, gun safety was taught to the children by law enforcement. The children even memorized the NRA’s children gun safety mantra – Stop! Don’t touch! Run away! Tell an adult!

Later a gun was placed in a room and cameras were set up to record the children’s responses to the gun. Most children took great interest in the gun and disregarded gun safety rules. Some picked up the gun, pointed it at themselves and their friends, and even pulled the trigger. Few children had the initial response of telling an adult.

Afterwards parents watched the footage and were appalled that their children responded to gun safety carelessly. One mother even said she works in a hospital and has told her son many stories of treating people with gun wounds, and thought this would have made him value gun safety even more.

It was noted that parents should not assume their children are mini-adults who understand the world around them. Children will more often be overwhelmed with curiosity, especially when it involves something they were told not to touch. Also, children do not understand death the same way as adults, so the concept of being killed does not register with them as much.

How do you educate your children about gun safety?